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  • Εικόνα συγγραφέαEvelina Karatziou


We conducted a small interview in order to understand how people see our act of caring.

1. Do you ever buy "Marata" products? - Some people buy them because they are affordable, while others had never even heard of this brand.

2. Do you believe that this action will be effective? - None of the people who answered was negative on that.

3. Would you buy these products to contribute to our action? - Only one person said that he wouldn't buy "Marata" products because of his preferance for well known brands, the others were quite positive.

4. Are you sensitized on the matter of hunger? - 3 out of 4 people said yes, while only one claimed that he is not.

5. Have you ever participated again in a similar action? - Only one person answered positively, two said they had never done this before but they are open to start taking more action.

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Our goal starts taking form! By choosing to get involved with sustainable development goal #2, which is hunger, we decided to take action...


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